Rooted in Your Love: A Prayer

Moon Flower Vines

You are the vine, O Lord,

and we are the branches.

Our life stems from your life.

Our love is rooted in your love.


When we fear scarcity, O Lord,

remind us of your abundance:

Plenty for all, if all will share.


When we fear loneliness, O Lord,

remind us of your presence:

You abide with us in good and bad,

in joy and in fear,

and in the sacred tension between those things.


You are the vine, O Lord,

and we are the branches.

Our life stems from your life.

Our love is rooted in your love.


We pray to you, O vine and vine grower,

for all the places and people in our lives in need of your abiding presence:

(Offer your own specific prayers, aloud or in silence.)


We give thanks for the beautiful diversity of your creation:

We pray for all people who are LGBTQ who have been hurt by the church,

and we pray for your forgiveness and their healing for any part we have played.

We give you thanks for the life and love shared in this world:

Love that is rooted in your love,

life that stems from your life,

for you are the vine, O Lord,

and we are the branches.





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One response to “Rooted in Your Love: A Prayer

  1. Mary Boyd

    Thanks, Anna. I love reading these. Mary Boyd



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