O Gentle Shepherd: Prayers of the People on Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day is not a liturgical holiday.

On the Sunday of Mother’s Day each year, there is an unspoken expectation that all women be joyful, be dressed in their best sundress, and have reservations for a fancy brunch after worship. That expectation is unfair, and I hope this prayer, leaning on the imagery of the 23rd Psalm, can carry the range of emotions you may feel today.

Feel your feelings, be kind to yourself, and know that the gentle shepherd has grace enough for you. 

Hear our prayers, O gentle shepherd,
and lead us to the waters of grace.

We give you thanks, O God,
for the good news of your love and our lives:
for all that brings us laughter and joy;
For the honor of worshiping you,
and the blessing of being sent to serve your reign.
Hear our prayers, O gentle shepherd,
and lead us to the waters of grace.

We give you thanks, O God,
for the love of community,
and we pray for people among us who are in need:
For our mission partners around the world,
speaking your peace in the midst of violence;
For our neighbors in this city,
serving together to bear witness to your justice.

Hear our prayers, O gentle shepherd,
and lead us to the waters of grace.

On this mother’s day,
we give thanks for the people in our lives
who have reflected your mothering love.
And we pray, O God, for all for whom this day is difficult:
for people whose mothers have died,
or who have painful relationships with their mothers;

For people who long to be mothers
or parents who have lost their children.
For mothers whose children are far away,
and children whose mothers have been separated from them.
Hold the range of our emotions in your tender care.
Enliven us in joy, comfort us in sorrow, encourage us in despair,
and show us how to care for one another.

Hear our prayers, O gentle shepherd,
and lead us to the waters of grace.


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